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Kinh Wave’s Side Story: A Few Film Photos

Although the majority of Kinh Wave’s photos were taken with a digital camera, there were times I still tried to bring along a film camera to take pictures. Only two photos from this film collection were added to the book, and the rest will be shared here.

I am passionate about slide film photography, and all the color photos were taken with Fujifilm Provia 100F, but I can’t remember the name of the black and white film used. The equipment used was the Fujifilm 690III and Mamiya RZ67Pro.

Black and white film photos

Color slide film photos

Clear Filters

Image of two-wheeled vehicles traveling on the streets of Shanghai as observed by photographer Bach Nam Hai (Danny Bach)

Hi folks This year, when I returned to Ha Dong to celebrate Tet, I did not forget my personal mission,…

Hi folks This year, when I returned to Ha Dong to celebrate Tet, I did not forget my personal mission,…