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Bear farm NGO shoot for World Animal Protection

Hi folks

Recently, I got to shoot for World Animal Protection (Shout out to Quinn Mattingly for giving me this opportunity) The shoot was to document the procedure of microchipping. The reason for microchipping (as stated by WAP) is as follow:

Microchipping is a way of tracking and monitoring bears. It means bear owners must comply with laws that control bear bile production.  

WAP website

The farm I got to shoot was one (in many) in Bình Dương, this one has 17 bears.

I’m no expert in this field of work. As a photographer. I have the responsibility to connect what I see to you guys – my blog reader(s).

Sign reads: Beware of wild animals. Safety working.
Main way of the bear cages.
The bear fits perfectly in the cage.
WAP staff is here to report.
WAP staff.
Bear paw
A friendly bear.
A bear was drug so it can be microchipped.
A ranger is responsible for microchipping the bears.
Bear microchipping.
A ranger is responsible for microchipping the bears.
Another friendly bear.
As the matter of fact, the calmness is not with all of them.
A bear keeps going around inside his cage.
This bear fights against the drug doctor is giving him.

Goodbye and see you again!

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